
  • Dr. Gerhard Bauer,
    Executive Vice President at Institut Straumann Ltd., Basle

"Miriam worked with me in a very professional but also pragmatic manner in all HR related business matters. I valued her advice highly and she was very well respected within my organization. I truly enjoyed working together with her as an HR business partner."

  • Stephan Beyeler,
    COO Mercuri Urval Switzerland, Basle

“I greatly value my many years of business contact with Miriam Hersche. Miriam Hersche is extremely dedicated and efficient, she is always pragmatic and uncomplicated to deal with, and impressed us with her straightforward and direct manner. I would also like to emphasise her strong client and employee focus as her actual service”.

  • Lic. iur. Katrin Keller,
    LL.M., specialist solicitor in employment law, SvH Schaufelberger & van Hoboken, Zurich

“I have worked with Ms Hersche as part of a project to implement an international employee mobility concept, and supported her, among other things, with the drafting of the relevant regulations. Ms Hersche stands out as a capable, versatile business partner with sound expertise, who even in hectic periods is able to stay focused on what’s important and set priorities accordingly”.

  • Oliver Bär,
    Vice President Operations, Head of Corporate Logistics at Institut Straumann Ltd., Basle

“Miriam is a positive-thinking player. She easily gets connected to people, gains and deserves their trust. I got to know Miriam as an experienced senior HR business partner with a pragmatic approach to lean solutions. It is a pleasure to work togehter with Miriam. Even under pressure she delivers resilient results on time and keeps up a professional yet empathic attitude.“

  • Meinrad Geering,
    Member of the Executive Board, Institutional & Private Banking BLKB, Liestal

“I have come to know and value Miriam Hersche as a communicative, goal-oriented and professionally capable assistant. She is dynamic and has the ability to get things done and can lead, motivate and persuade people. She is a positive thinker, open, reliable and trustworthy”.

  • Peter Riederer,
    Founder &CEO YELL AG, Zurich

“I got to know and value Ms Miriam Hersche while working with her on various HR projects during her employment at Gondrand International. She was always very professional, efficient and constructive in her work. Ms Hersche knows how to prioritise correctly. With her abilities and social skills, when faced with challenges she ensures these are addressed and resolved both profitably and sustainably”.